Tops and Comparisons

The best way to analyze and evaluate a product is by comparing it with other similiar ones. Thus, we place special emphasis on software comparisons. Thanks to Uptodown’s enormous catalogue we can recommend many alternatives for the same task, meaning there is always a better option than that application you thought was the only one of its kind.

Facebook Messenger vs Messenger Lite: Which is better?

We analyzed RAM memory, space taken up, and Facebook Messenger features versus the new Facebook Messenger Lite for Android.

11 must-have apps for sneaker lovers

The best mobile apps available to help you keep up with the latest news in the world of sneakers and urban fashion.

The games from the Monster Hunter saga that you can enjoy...

The Monster Hunter saga is a huge success for Capcom, who continue trying their luck with mobile titles based on their star brand.

The top 10 Android apps of the month [August 2019]

We've selected the best apps that came out on Android in the month of August. And they're all free!

The best apps for reading PDFs on your smartphone

The best apps for reading PDFs and editing all sorts of files from your smartphone. So you can view, add notes, or even sign documents.

Storify is shutting down, but we’ve got your back with these...

The content curation platform Storify is going to be shut down definitively, so we've put together a list of alternatives for you to use and move your content to.

Five tools to create video games when you know nothing about...

We present you five tools to create video games for those who know nothing about programming.

Must-have apps for pet owners looking to go on vacation

We've put together a selection of smartphone apps to help you easily plan your next vacation with your furry friends.

The top 8 alternatives to Google Reader

As we recently announced, Google Reader will cease to exist this coming July, leaving many users empty-handed, without one of the key RSS services,...

Programs controlling your privacy on your Android

Out of all the technology you use in your daily life, the most personal of all without a doubt is your smartphone, where you...


