Tops and Comparisons

The best way to analyze and evaluate a product is by comparing it with other similiar ones. Thus, we place special emphasis on software comparisons. Thanks to Uptodown’s enormous catalogue we can recommend many alternatives for the same task, meaning there is always a better option than that application you thought was the only one of its kind.

10 must-have open-source apps for Android

Discover 10 open-source apps you can't miss on Android.

The top 10 Android games of the month [July 2017]

This is our selection of our 10 most review-worthy video games for Android released during the month of July.

All the free Star Wars games available for Android

May the 4th be with you! On the heels of Star Wars Day we give you our list of free-to-play games set in the Star Wars universe to play on Android.

The top 10 Android games of the month [June 2019]

This month's top 10 is packed full of all sorts of Asian RPGs and so much more.

This week’s TOP picks for Android [10-16 October 2016]

2Pinneaple Pen, ChronoBlade, Flychat, Hill CIimb Racing, The Battle of Polytopia.. Our weekly picks of the best free APKs in the Android ecosystem. Free downloads and detailed reviews here.

The best Pokemon fangames and clones

Last Saturday marked the 20th anniversary of the first Pokemon game. Here are a dozen games to celebrate the anniversary just how Pikachu wants you to.

The top 15 Android apps released in the first half of...

Here are the best apps that have been released so far in 2018. All high-quality apps that aim to help improve your Android experience.

The top 10 Android games of the month [April 2019]

Here's our selection of the 10 most relevant games of the month. Leading the pack of course, is The Elder Scrolls Blades, which is now officially available on Android.

10 games by Miniclip that you can’t miss out on

Miniclip is one of the most noteworthy mobile game developers, and we've created a selection of their very best games.

Doze vs Greenify: How to hibernate apps and save your data...

We've already explained several times that what most eats up your smartphone battery and data allowance are all those services running in the background and doing constant checks...


