Tops and Comparisons

The best way to analyze and evaluate a product is by comparing it with other similiar ones. Thus, we place special emphasis on software comparisons. Thanks to Uptodown’s enormous catalogue we can recommend many alternatives for the same task, meaning there is always a better option than that application you thought was the only one of its kind.

Bitcoin Smartphone

Opera vs Brave: which browser is best for dealing with cryptocurrencies?

Opera and Brave browsers offer similar privacy features, but also very different ones when it comes to dealing with cryptocurrencies.

The best free alternatives to Twitter

Find out the best options for Twitter so you can start using them today and escape the ship before it sinks.

The best Halloween apps for your smartphone

As Halloween draws near, it's essential to download the best spooky apps and horror filters for TikTok and Instagram Stories.
Most Downloaded Browsers 2022

Top 10 most downloaded Android browsers on Uptodown in 2022

We break down the 10 most downloaded Android browsers by Uptodown users, with UC Browser coming in at number 1.

Vivaldi: is this the best Google Chrome alternative on Android?

Google Chrome is usually the browser of choice for most people, but Vivaldi is one of its strongest alternatives.

5 great apps to read comics legally on your smartphone

You won't want to miss this selection of apps that will let you easily and legally read all the comics and manga your heart desires.

5 Asian social video platforms you may not know about

It's clear that video is the king of social media content. Here are 5 Asian social video platforms that are currently taking the world by storm.

The biggest mobile games coming out in 2023

These are the mobile games to pay attention to in 2023.

The best file explorers for Android

Looking for a reliable file explorer for your smartphone? Well, look no further. Here's a selection of the most complete ones you can find on Android.

10 must-have open-source apps for Android

Discover 10 open-source apps you can't miss on Android.


