Tops and Comparisons

The best way to analyze and evaluate a product is by comparing it with other similiar ones. Thus, we place special emphasis on software comparisons. Thanks to Uptodown’s enormous catalogue we can recommend many alternatives for the same task, meaning there is always a better option than that application you thought was the only one of its kind.

Telegram vs WhatsApp: who will lead the IM service market?

Telegram is a new instant messaging service that could unseat Whatsapp. We explain you the differences between these apps.

The top 10 Android games of the month [October 2018]

Here you have it: our list of the best Android games that have been introduced on the platform during the month of October.

The best free graphic adventures for Android

En Android existen muchas aventuras gráficas que recogen el testigo de los títulos clásicos del género adaptados a pantalals táctiles.

The top ten Android apps of the month [February 2018]

These are the best Android apps that came out in the month of February 2018. It's a selection of high quality apps that you won't want to miss out on.

The ten best Android games of the month [February 2018]

We've selected the ten most outstanding games of February 2018. It's a list filled with great titles like Slime Pizza, Super Senso, and a new Final Fantasy.

The top ten Android games of the month [March 2018]

Here we highlight the best Android games from the month of March. The list features a variety of titles, including strategy, role playing, and arcade games.

The top 10 Android apps of the month [June 2018]

June was packed with high-quality apps for Android and we've selected the 10 best ones that you can find for free on our website.

The top 10 Android games of the month [November 2018]

We've put together a list of the best free games that have shown up on Android in November. A well-varied selection of high quality games.

Five (+1) games to enjoy while awaiting the release of Nonstop...

We've selected five alternatives to Nonstop Knight 2 to keep you occupied and entertained while you wait for the sequel to be released this year.

Five Android games to play online with your friends

Android offers many multiplayer games of all genres in its catalog. Sports, strategy, fights... Thousands of possibilities to compete against your friends and other users.


