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Tons of content creators share Halloween Instagram filters for users like you to use in your own Stories.
The new game mode in PUBG Mobile makes it possible to pilot helicopters and also get heavy artillery to take them down.
The month of September brought us big-name titles like Castlevania Grimoire of Souls, LEGO Legacy: Heroes Unboxed, Aurora 7 and other gems.
A list of well-known older PC games adapted for Android devices. So you can once again play classics like Doom, Heroes of Might and Magic or Commander Keen.
Convert voice messages from WhatsApp into text, so you can read them wherever you are, without having to listen to the audio.
The best accessibility apps that make it possible for anyone to use an Android smartphone on a daily basis.
Aquapark IO featured image
Arcade games are perfect for summer and Aquapark.io is one of the best in its genre: short rounds and immediate fun.
We’re highlighting the best apps we’ve encountered in July 2019. This is a list of alternative apps to get you out of your comfort zone.
The new update of the game introduces us to the turn-based deathmatch mode and kick-starts the event associated with the new Godzilla movie.
Jetpack Jump, created by Kwalee, is a triple jump game that’s catching the eye of millions of users across the world.