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An Android MMORPG with enormous production values, set on a tropical archipelago.
Here's a review of Tor Browser, an Android browser that offers you maximum privacy and safety without having to sacrifice usability and comfort.
Google introduced a bunch of new features that’ll be included in Android’s new version during an official event. The third beta is now available.
A brief history of the messaging service throughout the years, including the arrival of unofficial clients, the annual subscription model, and security problems.
We've selected the best Reddit apps and give some background information about this website that's become one of the most visited sites in the world.
The MOBA FPS, previously known as ShellFire, now includes international servers and can be played globally.
Conquering the mountains in Hang Line won't be easy, but this precise game ensures that you'll definitely have fun trying.
Here's our selection of the most relevant Android apps that came out in the month of January. All free apps that you can download easily from our website.
MANGA Plus by SHUEISHA is the official app for reading One Piece, My Hero Academia, Naruto, and more - legally and for free!
Destiny Child brings us a total experience thanks to the design of its characters and entertaining combats as you advance in this incredibly fun RPG.