Chimeraland is the new multiplayer role-playing game (MMO) from Tencent and Level Infinite. This ambitious project transports you to a huge fantasy world where you can create your own character, customize it to your liking and explore with complete freedom all the regions in which it is divided, facing the dangers hidden in them. As it usually happens in this kind of games, you will need to get money if you want to improve your character, so here we explain how to do it quickly and for free.

Money basics in Chimeraland

As in many other free RPGs, Chimeraland allows you to obtain your own virtual coins both through the game experience itself and by paying with real money in its integrated store. The first option is usually slower than the second, requiring you to complete missions, quests, and various objectives. However, it will allow you to obtain equipment, materials, and upgrades completely free of charge.

How many coins are in Chimeraland?

In Chimeraland, there are several types of currency, each of which is good for one thing. In addition, they are all obtained in different ways, although they share the option of being acquired in exchange for real money in the in-game store. Below you can see the different types of coins currently available in Chimeraland:

  • Amber: It is used in the in-game store.
  • Ruby: It is used in the store and auction house.
  • Sage: It is used in the in-game store and for training pets.
  • Cowries: It is the most common currency. It is used in many places.

Chimeraland currency types

Of these four currencies, the last three are the most important in Chimeraland— in your everyday purchases, the money you will use will be Rubies, Sage, or Cowries. Sometimes you will only pay with one type of currency, although occasionally, items, pets, and materials are purchased by combining two different currencies. Don’t worry, that will be something you can see in the game menu itself.

How to get free Rubies in Chimeraland

Rubies are one of the most important coins in Chimeraland. Although they can be used in the store, you will mostly see them in the Auction House, as they are used to purchase items, materials, and pets that other players have put up for sale. Likewise, when you sell something to other players, you will be able to set a price in Rubies, although we recommend that you do not choose too high figures— think about how much you would pay for what you are selling and move within the margin offered by the game itself.

Screenshot with Chimeraland tree houses

How to get free Cowries in Chimeraland

Cowries are the most common currency in Chimeraland. They are obtained by performing missions in the “Events” option of the game interface at the top right. Each of these activities will tell you what reward you will be able to earn if you complete it, so you must pay attention to know how many Cowries you will get in each of them.

You can also get this currency by completing the quests given to you through “Notes” by the NPCs of Chimeraland. If these methods are not enough for you, you should know that you can also make your own Cowries in the “Coin Maker”. You will need Golden thread —obtained in the bounty hunter quests— and Patterned shells —obtained by hunting sea monsters or sifting for gold—.

Screenshot of Chimeraland with a character in front of an erupting volcano

How to get free Sage in Chimeraland

Sage is another of Chimeraland’s main currencies, and its importance lies in the fact that it is what you need to train pets and improve other aspects of your character. Like the previous one, you can obtain this type of currency as a reward for completing missions, activities, and assignments. It is also possible to get Sage for free with some reward codes.

Is it possible to exchange money with another player in Chimeraland?

Chimeraland has an exchange mechanic that allows you to give an object to another player as a gift. This system cannot be used for buying and selling— it is only possible to transfer money to another person through the auction house, that is, putting something to sell and receiving money for it. If someone asks you to send them an item in exchange for coins, remember that they will not be able to give them to you directly, so it is likely that they are trying to take advantage of you to get your item for free.


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