Tutorials and Guides

Contrary to the old saying, no one was born ready, so we aim to provide step-by-step tutorials on doing specific tasks on your PC or smartphone. Whether you need to learn in-depth how to use your operating system or take full advantage of the capabilities of the programs you use, we offer user guides for both day-to-day and professional activities.

Five free antivirus programs to safeguard your computer

According to the most recent biannual report from Microsoft on computer security, practically one-fourth of all computers in the world don’t have an antivirus...

How to install Facebook Home on any smartphone

A few weeks ago Facebook Home was introduced to the world – a user interface layer for your smartphone that gives the famous social...

How to automatically download subtitles with Media Player Classic

Sometimes, it can be a real hassle trying to find certain subtitles online for movies, documentaries, or TV series that you may enjoy that...

How to find free apps for iOS and Android

Recently we found out that Apple removed the AppGratis application from its App Store. The application offered apps that were listed as free for...

Now you can delete any traces you left on Facebook

Deleting your entire digital life can be a complicated thing on certain websites such as Facebook, where it was impossible to leave without a...

How to avoid the automatic installation of Internet Explorer 10

In recent weeks, many Windows users have come across an unexpected update. Microsoft has decided that if your computer is set to automatically install...

Can someone spy on me using my own webcam?

We all have some friend that puts a Post-it note over his laptop’s webcam, or turns his desktop webcam to the side, in fear...

Steam for Dummies

A few years back, one word began to be ingrained little by little in the vocabulary of PC gamers: Steam. There are many that...

What should you do if your email or social network account...

Although a few years ago being the victim of a hacker attack was something you saw in the movies, today it is more common...

Facebook: an almost indelible virtual footprint

The first three autocomplete search results on Google when you type in the words “eliminate all” deal directly with deleting all personal content from...


