News and Updates

Every day we see hundreds of headlines in the technology sphere. Here at Uptodown we focus on the most important information related to the world of software, covering everything from the most relevant news items and articles on IT security to advice on online privacy.

[E3 2017] Atari officially releases Lunar Battle and Goon Squad for...

Atari took the stage in this week's E3 2017 to present its latest games for Android, Lunar Battle and Goon Squad, both available on Uptodown with no regional restrictions.

[E3 2017] The Elder Scrolls Legends set to add Skyrim cards

The F2P trading card game set in The Elder Scrolls saga is getting a new expansion focused on Skyrim at the end of June.

[E3 2017] Minecraft players on Android soon to be able to...

Mojang has announced during the Microsoft conference in E3 2017 that Minecraft will be cross-platform, including the Pocket Edition for Android.

Clash Royale reduces the power of the Night Witch in new...

Clash Royale is back with a new balance change to its game system and this time the power of its newest card – the Night Witch – gets reduced.

Video File recovers lost photos and videos on your smartphone

Video File is a very useful app for safeguarding the pictures and videos on your Android and helping you recover lost content.

A new Legendary Card comes to Clash Royale: The Night Witch

Clash Royale has added a new member to its family of cards: the Night Witch is a Legendary Card that's sure to provide lots to talk about.

Adobe releases a document scanning tool for Android

Adobe Scan is a free tool that can scan documents of all kinds with the camera from your Android device.

Pokeland, that latest official Pokemon game, now temporarily available

Pokeland is a new official release from The Pokemon Company where you control your creatures in real-time combats.

The three biggest changes to come to Instagram this May

Instagram has rolled out several updates this month and here we recap all of them. A great way to keep up with the new stuff happening on Instagram.

MacroDroid: An impressive tool for automating tasks

MacroDroid is a useful tool to create macros that automate tasks on Android, with more than 100 possible actions and 62 triggers.


