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EveryWiki is a full-featured Android app to access information faster than ever with loads of wikis.
The newest Wikipedia app update for Android surpasses its previous version by evolving from a simple search engine to a news and current events feeder.
A full facelift and a new reading system that avoids loading several tabs when you jump from entry to entry.
We've analyzed the features of both Edge and Chrome browsers and tested them using a range of different benchmarks.
Here's a review of the best MOBA games in 2022 that we can enjoy on our Android device.
Sideloading is the manual installation of Android apps outside Google’s official app store.
Here's a great selection of the best tools and apps for creating Android video games, even if you don't know a thing about programming.
The USA's reign as the world's biggest app developer is beginning to crumble as China and other Asian countries rise to prominence.
If you're on AliExpress shopping, but you're not using their Android app; you should. AliExpress for Android offers discounts and special offers.
Starting in 2021, Google Play will no longer allow 64-bit devices to download 32-bit apps.