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It's that time once again: time to sum up the latest game releases of the month for Android. We've seen an Asian invasion of titles, and out of the ten games we recommend, half of them come from Asian studios and offer anime looks. This is an unmistakable sign of...
We've selected the best Reddit apps and give some background information about this website that's become one of the most visited sites in the world.
This strategy game with the big names from the company backing it up, intends to compete with heavyweights like Clash Royale.
A classic-style RPG that's brought together big names from the industry, all with past experience working on iconic sagas from Square Enix.
Still in beta and with limited release, the RPG, previously known as Blade Runner 2049, gets a refreshing new update.
If you mixed Football Manager with an RPG, and casual games, then you'd probably get a fun concept like SEGA Pocket Club Manager.
Ransomware is a real threat. Protect your smartphone from viruses and malware by using these simple tricks that only take a few moments of your time.
FilmStruck has arrived to compete with other online video streaming platforms with a catalog of classic and cult movies.
Many Android videogames never end up making it out of their country of origen. But luckily, we can still play them with no geographic limitation via APK.
Let’s take a closer look at the similarities and differences between them. If you don’t already have an ad blocker installed, here are a few reasons why you should.