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We've selected 30 of the best MMORPGs for Android that have successfully transferred the full experience to mobile devices.
Anime character in front of a torii
We've selected the best open world games that you can play on Android. High-quality sandbox titles from all different genres.
Check out the best free Tower Defense games available on Android. Defend your base by hitting enemies with everything you've got.
We take a look at the best rhythm games for Android that will make you fully feel the music and dance along with your smartphone this 2022.
CCleaner is an old acquaintance, but do you know what the advantages are of using its Android version?
We've put together a list of the best and most popular free beat 'em ups for Android.
Do not miss this GOM Mix Max review! An easy-to-use PC video editor perfect for creating spectacular editing in a matter of minutes.
Ninja Tobu is a platformer that's as simple as it is addictive, where you'll defy gravity as a ninja with superhuman agility.
We'll explain how to back up your apps with our Uptodown App Store so you can recover them if you change devices or delete their content.
Experience what it feels like on the other side of the counter by building and managing your own clothing store. Don't miss our Fashion Empire review.