If you are one of the many people who play Gacha LifeLunime’s hit free-to-play game— you have surely wondered how to get free gems. Today there are several methods to add more coins without paying for them, but none involve codes or generators of dubious origin. Below we will show you the three ways to obtain gems for free and legally.

What are Gacha Life gems?

Gems are the currency of Gacha Life. Although with them, you will not be able to buy objects or decorations directly. They are used as tokens for the gacha— with 5 gems, you can get a gacha, which will unlock a random gift, and with 50 gems, you will get 10 gachas with 10 random rewards. The easiest way to get gems is to buy them with real money— the 400-gem pack costs 1.99, while the 12,000-gem pack costs 19.99 euros.

How to get free gems in Gacha Life

However, if you don’t want to spend money on Gacha Life, you can always opt for other methods that will allow you to get free gems. It’s a slower way to get coins for the game, but this way, it won’t cost you anything to keep unlocking new items of different rarity levels. We recommend that you forget about code generators and illegitimate methods of dubious trust, as currently, there are only the following three ways to get free gems in Gacha Life:

Playing mini-games

In Gacha Life, you can find several mini-games in the “Games” section. Playing is the most common way to get coins since— in addition to getting free gems— you will also have a good time having fun with the mini-games. However, it is one of the slowest ways to obtain coins since the rewards you will receive for playing well will be very low. A tip: often there is a bonus mini-game, so play that one more than others to get extra gems.

Start Game screen from Gacha Life's Phantom's Remix mini-game

Watching ads

Surely in the main menu of Gacha Life, you have seen an option called “Watch Ad”. It is not always available, but when it appears, you can tap it to watch an ad and get free gems in exchange. The ads usually last 30 seconds, and you must watch the whole ad to get the coins —you will see the message “Unlocked reward”, and then you can close the ad—. With this method, you can get between 10 and 150 free gems.

Screen to claim free gems after having watched an ad

Claiming gifts

Like the previous method, this option is not always available. Look in the main menu of Gacha Life, and you will see a button called “Gifts”. Usually, it may appear dimmed— meaning there are no gifts available— but when activated, you can claim gifts consisting of a good amount of gems. Most gifts ask you to perform an action— such as following the Gacha Life account on YouTube or similar things— and once completed, you can claim a good handful of free gems.

Gacha Life main menu with the Gifts button dimmed

Are there free gem codes for Gacha Life?

As we have explained above, as of today, you cannot get free gem codes for Gacha Life. When looking for new ways to obtain coins without paying, you will find many tricks and generators that assure you that you can get this type of reward in the game. However, the menu has no option to redeem free gem codes. That is why we recommend you avoid this type of methods since the only ways to expand your coin wallet without paying for them are the ones we have told you about in this tutorial.


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