Talking Tom Camp is a Clash of Clans with characters from...
Talking Tom Camp, a strategy game "inspired" by the superpopular Clash of Clans and starring Tom, Angela, and company. Except here you shoot water pistols.
Datuum is the Pinterest of information on Android
Datuum is a popular social network for images, ideas, and even tutorials, mainly with the objective of sharing common knowledge among users.
Nominees announced for IMGA best smartphone game
IMGA are the most important awards of the year in terms of mobile video games. Here's their list of nominees for this year, all of which you can download here.
Five apps to enjoy Valentine’s Day when you’re single
Valentine's Day is a special day for many couples, but if you're single you can also enjoy this day. More so with these five apps we recommend.
10 alternatives to Fire Emblem Heroes on Android
Fire Emblem Heroes is one of the top releases of 2017, but if you want more -- we recommend these ten other spin-offs.
Pokémon GO turns pink for Valentine’s Day event
PokémonGO put together a Valentine's Day event for you to enjoy a whole lot of free giveaways during these days. You can not miss this.
Yokai Saga is a spectacular free beat’em for Android
Yokai Saga es un videojuego de lucha espectacular para Android. Es difícil no asombrarse ante la calidad de producción que destila este juego gratuito.
YouTube adds quick rewind and fast-forward gestures in latest app update
YouTube updated its Android app to include the option to move forward or backward 10 seconds based on simple gestures.
Fire Emblem Heroes now out on Android
Fire Emblem Heroes -- the newest release from the legendary saga is out now to download free on Android for your enjoyment. Get the latest Nintendo game on your smartphone, now.
Tumblr now includes stickers and filters in its app
Tumblr's Android app now allows you to use stickers and filters in its latest update.