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If your Huawei smartphone is no longer able to use Google apps, here are some of the best options available.
Here's a review of Tor Browser, an Android browser that offers you maximum privacy and safety without having to sacrifice usability and comfort.
Here I share my experience trying to block all Google apps on an Android device.
Mozilla has just released Firefox Focus, a new Android browser designed to let you browse fully anonymously and securely.
10 free, open source apps apps for Android that are just as efficient and robust as their licensed co-parts.
Our recommendations for some of the best browsers for Android that aren't the usuals. Pyrope Browser, Slimperience, Atlas Web, Flyperlink and Ghostery.
Firefox Developer Edition, a replace to Aurora, has just been released with test versions and exclusive development-focused features.
The news that the United States has been spying on its citizens through the NSA’s PRISM program has caused a lot of people to really start thinking about the importance of Internet privacy, and they want to take measures to avoid being watched. Although this scandal makes that seem impossible,...