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See the privacy improvements that DuckDuckGo offers to surf the Internet safely and securely, preventing your searches, history and email from being tracked.
In addition to offering private searches, the new version of DuckDuckGo will also watch out for our privacy as we browse thanks to its new anti-tracking features.
DuckDuckGo es el buscador más seguro al proteger la privacidad del usuario y ahora están de celebración por conseguir 10.000 millones de búsquedas. DuckDuckGo is the safest search engine thanks to its user-privacy protection devices. Now they're celebrating run 10 billion searches.
DuckDuckGo protects your privacy, offers quality results and makes use of third-party services to display the info you need.
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Most Downloaded Browsers 2022
We break down the 10 most downloaded Android browsers by Uptodown users, with UC Browser coming in at number 1.
UC Browser Mini is the perfect browser for phones with limited resources as it saves on both data and memory.
Lightweight browsers can help save data, battery, and RAM on less powerful smartphones.
Fed up with Chrome? Here are the best alternative browsers for Android that you can download.
There is life beyond Chrome, especially when it comes to privacy. That's why we're here to tell you which browsers are the most secure options, so you can browse safely.