Tops and Comparisons

The best way to analyze and evaluate a product is by comparing it with other similiar ones. Thus, we place special emphasis on software comparisons. Thanks to Uptodown’s enormous catalogue we can recommend many alternatives for the same task, meaning there is always a better option than that application you thought was the only one of its kind.

Maps services on Android: Google Maps vs HERE Maps

We present you a comparison of the main features for Android of Google Maps and HERE Maps, the new Nokia maps service.

Three apps that will remind you to drink water

These apps will remind to get your daily dose of H2O. Notifications and alerts so you make sure to drink water and keep track of your daily hydration.

The best apps to optimize your new Android device

Many smartphones and tablets have arrived to new homes last Christmas. These are the essential apps you need to optimize your device.
Servicios nube 2019

Comparison: Cloud storage services (2019)

Everything you need to know about cloud storage services; which is the best, how to use them, how much they cost, and how much space you have for saving files.

The best apps for children of all ages

Here you have a collection of the best Android apps available for watching cartoons, learning languages, math, and more.

The best password managers for your smartphone

The best password managers for Android so you can have all your data stored safely. Never forget your login information for any service or app ever again!

Create GIFs on your smartphone with these Android apps

Discover some of the best free apps on Android to create animated GIFs, the super fun way to chat with short videos.

Three anti-theft apps for your Android phone

Cell phones have become an object that you always carry with you, whether it be in your pocket, your backpack, or in your purse....

Protect your digital life: Seven alternative services that respect your privacy

The news that the United States has been spying on its citizens through the NSA’s PRISM program has caused a lot of people to...

The best reddit clients for Android

Unofficial reddit clients for Android that make for a better browsing experience and add some specific features


