Software Reviews

Uptodown has an enormous catalogue of programs, each with a corresponding product description. To delve even deeper into the possibilities of particular software, we highlight the most relevant programs—whether they be desktop programs (for Windows, Mac, or Ubuntu) or smartphone apps (for iOS and Android)—and talk about them in depth, explaining how they work and giving a clear verdict on their possibilities.

New WhatsApp statuses rolled out

Everything you need to know about WhatsApp's 'new' status feature including how they work and who they're visible to. Read here to update your WhatsApp.

Pocket City just might be the next SimCity, and it’s available...

Fans of strategic management games are in for a real treat with Pocket City, a city-building app that's totally free of IAPs.

How to keep track of permissions for the apps installed on...

F-Secure App Permissions is a free tool that shows you the permissions required by each app, among other useful data.

LMMS: Record and edit your music to the level of a...

Linux Multimedia Studio, also known as LMMS, is a free DAW (Digital Audio Workshop) that comes included by default on Ubuntu Studio, but also...

Gmail for Android is getting a new ‘Material Design’ look

Google is changing up Gmail's look to make the email client more intuitive and user friendly.

Autonomy: The game where you are your own worst enemy

Autonomy es un videojuego gratuito para Android donde eres tu propio enemigo. Un juego donde la destreza y la memoria son claves para salir airosos.

Haven, the surveillance app backed by Edward Snowden

Haven: Keep Watch is a security app that turns your smartphone into a surveillance device capable of secretly recording its surroundings.

GOM Cam: Capture everything you see on your screen

GOM Cam is a complete capture suite that lets you record and edit content before sharing it online.

Gudetama Tap! is the official game from Japan’s most unusual mascot

It's time to collect all sorts of characters in the original Gudetama Tap!, a Japanese title based on the famous character from the same company that created Hello Kitty.

GameEx, the definitive interface for PC emulator gaming

GameEx is a custom launcher that lets you access all your emulation software from the same interface and with all the information related to each game.


