News and Updates

Every day we see hundreds of headlines in the technology sphere. Here at Uptodown we focus on the most important information related to the world of software, covering everything from the most relevant news items and articles on IT security to advice on online privacy.

Facebook Messenger adds reactions and mentions to chats

Facebook Messenger is back with important new features for its Android app that now let you use in-chat reactions and ping other users.

Five Legend of Zelda-style adventures for Android

The Legend of Zelda is one of the most important sagas in the history of video games and have selected five similar Android games.

Finally! Super Mario Run now out on Android

The newest NIntendo Mario Bros incarnation is now available and free-to-play on Android smartphones and tablets. Safely download the free APK here.

SwiftKey adds keypress sounds

The SwiftKey keyboard has implemented sound effects into its last update. Hearing keystrokes is a perfect addition for a personalized experience.

WhatsApp goes back to classic statuses and supports Gboard GIFs

WhatsApp enabled a 'classic status' feature for users who prefer not to share their status information in the Snapchat-esque manner released last week.

Facebook Messenger hops on the disappearing stories bandwagon

Facebook Messenger is the latest app to use those famed ephemeral publications that made Snapchat trending. An idea something already seen but that can work this type of social network.

Check out the 2017 British Academy Games Awards Android nominees

The upcoming BAFTA for video games released its list of nominees. This games for Android begin are finally getting the attention they deserve.

Clash Royale rolls out loads of novelties that shake up the...

Clash Royale is as fresh as on day one thanks to the massive number of updates rolling out now with even more new features.

WhatsApp brings back status phrases in its latest beta

WhatsApp brings back status phrases in its latest beta, once again technology takes a step backwards in favor of user preferences.

Instagram now rolling out Snapchat-esque geostickers

Geolocation stickers or geostickers just arrived at Instagram Stories, another added copied Snapchat, which everyone wants to imitate.


