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Here's our selection of the most important apps released in the last 30 days for mobile devices.
It's that time once again to sum up the best Android apps that have shown up in October. New launchers, gamification apps, and so much more.
Firefox ScreenshotGo is an incredibly useful tool for taking screenshots quickly and easily organizing them into different categories.
A quick recap of the best free apps that reached the Android ecosystem in the month of July 2018.
Notes by Firefox is the new notepad app from Mozilla that stands out for its synchronization with Firefox.
Take a look a the data we've compiled (based on Uptodown users) showing the top most popular browsers in Q1 of 2018.
We've selected ten of the most outstanding apps available on Android in 2017. The list is varied and features more than a few surprises.
The stable version, beta, alpha, lite, private browsing... there are so many different versions of Mozilla Firefox that it's best to choose the ideal version for you from this list.
The stable version of Mozilla Firefox 57 is now available, with a speedy new engine that also reduces memory consumption.
We compare the most downloaded browsers on Uptodown: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and UC Browser. Our analysis covers RAM consumption, memory occupied, performance, compatibility, and interface.