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Houzz is a fantastic decorating and interior design app for Android that offers users all kinds of inspired content.
Google Spaces is a new social media tool that allows groups to publish photos, links, and texts as well as chat with all its other members.
An initiative born in 2011 with the intention of digitizing and propagating some of the most important artistic and cultural works in the world.
We can send WhatsApp and Telegram messages using only our voice.
From now on that’s going to change with the release of a completely independent version of Street View.
Google strikes again with Chrome search results for apps that are unfair to the competition, giving an overwhelming preference to their own store.
The app’s cloud synching menu has been modified to sync all your WhatsApp info to Google Drive to avoid losing it
Google has finally integrated WhatsApp (and Telegram, WeChat, etc) into its search tool for Android devices.
Google has started to take steps towards improving access to its apps for kids.
Google has launched an alternative virtual keyboard that lets you write by hand on Android in any app where you would normally enter text by typing.