For many Instagram users, having a good degree of ‘engagement’ with followers is key to being successful. For businesses, public figures, or any users who want to become noticed on the social network, it’s become a clear goal to increase and grow the number of followers. However, this isn’t always done ethically and many users end up recurring to third-party apps to boost their interactions and followers.


Instagram wants the social network to be free of fake accounts and thus, give users a real experience. That’s why they’re going to complete automatic scans to get rid of any inauthentic interactions and followers from tons of profiles.

If Instagram detects that your account has used third-party apps to boost relevance, you may receive a message in the next few days, asking you to change your password. With this initiative, Instagram intends to restore the security that these untrustworthy apps have taken away from the social network.


Optimize your followers and followings

You can prepare for this Instagram cleanup and optimize the number of people you follow and that follow you using simple apps like Reports+.

Reports+ is a comprehensive tool that provides an intuitive way to analyze the activity of your account. Although you’ll need to pay to use some of the functions, you can access the features that don’t require a subscription by selecting your username on the side menu. Plus, the app lets you add more than one account to consult them both at the same time.

instagram followers 3 Instagram gets set to clean out fake activity on profiles

Reports+ offers some really useful statistics like the number of followers gained and lost in a certain span of time. You can also access a list of your followers that you don’t follow back, and the ones you follow but don’t follow you. This makes it simple to identify the fake accounts that you want to unlink from your profile.

instagram followers Instagram gets set to clean out fake activity on profiles

In just a few minutes, you can clean up your lists of followers and following so that Instagram doesn’t detect any suspicious activity. Plus, you can take advantage of the opportunity to discover other interesting stats like the average comments or likes you get on your posts. This way, it’ll be easy to notice any unusual activity spikes that the social network may detect during their cleanup.


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