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Houzz is a fantastic decorating and interior design app for Android that offers users all kinds of inspired content.
Yazzy is a free Android app that lets you put together fake WhatsApp chats or Twitter threads in just a few minutes.
Whether you want to share your own creations or discover others, DeviantArt has always been a treasure trove of hidden handmade artwork from artists worldwide.
Automatically change your wallpaper daily on your Android device with beautiful pictures.
Tumblr, the famouse microblogging service, has just revamped its official app for smartphones.
Gaining new followers on Instagram can be easy if we follow some basic tips.
A new app from Facebook to read all our friends' content and other external sources that works as a news aggregator.
Recent reports inform that local social networks have lost a huge percentage of their active users. Can Facebook be affected?
Many smartphones and tablets have arrived to new homes last Christmas. These are the essential apps you need to optimize your device.
We’ve all read an article or study that has so much information that you’re easily lost by the second paragraph because you aren’t able to absorb so much information in such little time. When you need to get a large amount of information and numbers into a small amount...