As Abraham Lincoln once noted: Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet. Although the source might see authentic, there are lots of resources out there to easily make a totally false statement or headline seem credible. As an example, just take a look at Yazzy, a free Android app that lets you put together fake WhatsApp chats or Twitter threads in just a few minutes.

This app lets you easily create fake messages for loads of different media: Facebook statuses, tweets, text messages on Android or iOS, WhatsApp chats, Facebook Messenger or Hangouts convos, Google searches or translations, and questions, each with their own editing menu.


You can edit texts, profile pictures, and post dates to get a JPG image to share with your contacts or save locally. By default it includes a watermark with the app name, but you can easily remove that if you go to the setup menu and untick the corresponding box. Check out the screenshot below and remember to think twice when you see an image like this floating around on the Internet.



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