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Fans of Mario Kart can find similar games on Android, and today we recommend the best ones available.
We've selected the ten best racing games on Android. The list features many great titles that you can enjoy for free this 2022.
2021 comes to an end and, therefore, we bring you a summary of the best Android video games for this year.
Don't miss this compilation of the best ebook-reading apps for your Android and enjoy reading anywhere!
With the 25th anniversary of the first PlayStation, it's time to highlight some of the best PSX emulators you can find on Android
Battle royales fuse with MOBAs to bring you Zooba (it even rhymes!). This super entertaining all-against-all takes the fun to a zoo full of animals.
The month of September brought us big-name titles like Castlevania Grimoire of Souls, LEGO Legacy: Heroes Unboxed, Aurora 7 and other gems.
Many games that are successful in Asia eventually make their way west, while others seem to get lost somewhere along the way.
We review the best Android games from Angry Birds, one of the most important sagas in the history of mobile gaming.
It's easy to miss gaming gems in the deluge of releases on the platform, so we've tried to select just those that truly deserve it.