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Here's a great selection of the best tools and apps for creating Android video games, even if you don't know a thing about programming.
In the last years, Java and its plugin have been the port of entry for attacks on many browsers. Now, Mozilla and Google have decided to classify it as non-secure and to start using other alternatives such as HTML5.
We compare the most downloaded browsers on Uptodown: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and UC Browser. Our analysis covers RAM consumption, memory occupied, performance, compatibility, and interface.
Learning to program isn't as hard as it might seem at first and even less so with these free Android apps.
Unknown Sources Here on Uptodown we distribute Android apps packaged as APKs. This format, an offspring of the JAR format used by Java, is a standard that includes all files needed to install an app from any device. By default the Android operating system comes with the option to allow...
Patch My PC is a Windows wizard that automatically detects and installs the most recent versions of your software.
Towards the end of November 2012, Mozilla released the Firefox 18 beta version. Now the final version of the Firefox 18 browser has been released, which incorporates new features such as support for Retina Display, and important improvements for its Android version. Firefox 18, the latest version of the Mozilla...