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file extension rem - search results

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The official Uptodown app now lets you download and automatically install additional OBB files alongside APKs in a format called XAPK.
Dukto is designed to ease up sending any file format between devices, whether you're using a smartphone or desktop PC
There’s a series of basic, generic steps you can take to disinfect your PC from malware.
ARC Welder is a Chrome extension that lets you run Android apps in desktop operating systems.
Xender is a free app that lets you send all sorts of files between smartphones.
There are many free apps to find duplicate files and folders in your PC.
Chrome Remote Desktop lets you control any PC from another computer or Android device.
Comparison the main cloud file-storing services: Dropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive, iCloud and MEGA.
LastPass is a browser extension that unifies all your passwords in a single one.
VST plugins and virtual instruments are the base of any digital music composition. We explain how to transform your music in MIDI files into "real" instrument compositions.