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Here's our selection of the best free apps that have shown up in the Android ecosystem this year. And you can get them all on Uptodown.
We've picked the best Android apps released for Android during the month of March. Here's a list of useful tools that can make your daily life just a little bit better.
Let’s take a closer look at the similarities and differences between them. If you don’t already have an ad blocker installed, here are a few reasons why you should.
Instagram has rolled out several updates this month and here we recap all of them. A great way to keep up with the new stuff happening on Instagram.
Nova Launcher now lets you get dynamic notifications on your app icons – a feature that will soon roll out on the new Android O.
The best tips and tricks for maneuvering on your huge-screened Android phone, including free apps to lend you a helping hand.
Chrome Remote Desktop allows you to remotely stream your desktop PC onto Android using just your phone's data connection.
LibreOffice 5.1 adds interestinLibreOffice has become the best freeware alternative when it comes to having an all-in-one for document management.
Now is an excellent time to squeeze out new possibilities thanks to the following tips and tricks on Netflix.
An all-in-one tool that can detect different types of malware on your computer and a real-time protection system for both downloads and web browsing.