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We've analyzed the features of both Edge and Chrome browsers and tested them using a range of different benchmarks.
We'll explain how to back up your apps with our Uptodown App Store so you can recover them if you change devices or delete their content.
If your Huawei smartphone is no longer able to use Google apps, here are some of the best options available.
Here's our selection of the best free apps that have shown up in the Android ecosystem this year. And you can get them all on Uptodown.
Now is an excellent time to squeeze out new possibilities thanks to the following tips and tricks on Netflix.
These are some of the many external tools to use with Todoist.
'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy'. Yes, but Jack didn't use any of these apps for writers.
What's the best note-taking tool? Let's compare the main services: Evernote, Microsoft OneNote and Google Keep.
The software world has seen some big-name new releases during the month of November in lots of different spheres.
Learn all the alternative apps to the default Google apps in Android devices.