When we say talk about social networks and their various Android apps, we tend to rattle off the names FacebookInstagramTwitter in short order. But one of the most successful digital platforms often slips our mind, given its particular style for publishing photos. Yes, we’re talking about Pinterest, the image board social network that’s now celebrating a special milestone: it’s topped the figure of 200 million active monthly users, an excellent way to celebrate its seven-plus years of success.


This social network, the brainchild of Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp, has covered a lot of ground and its stats bear that out: more than 100 billion pins, with some 85% of searches on it done over mobile devices. Its Android app has obviously had a great deal to do with this, thanks to its large number of downloads, as has its strategy for differentiating itself from other social networks, by, for instance, getting rid of the Like button.

An interesting tidbit that they mention on their blog is that more than 50% of users come from outside the United States, which they’ve been trying to achieve since they opened their site and are finally accomplishing. And they’ve grown 40% over the past year, so their outlook is not too shabby these days.


This celebration couldn’t wind up without the announcement of a new feature on Pinterest: the option to make individual sections on pinboards, which should prove tremendously useful for getting even more organized on this social network. This novelty will roll out to all users bit by bit, though they haven’t mentioned specific dates. While we wait, the best thing to do is help Pinterest celebrate these 200 million monthly users by visiting your favorite boards.

Pinterest for Android on Uptodown [APK] | Download


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