The numerous new updates that Instagram is receiving almost every week lately have produced an app that’s packed with features that have moved it far away from the simple photo app it once was. We’re not complaining, considering that most of the new features presented in Instagram have been successful, but it’s impossible not to look back to simpler times. Instagram Lite is the answer to this problem, offering a reduced version of Instagram that focuses on photos like back in the good old days and strips down the numerous social features it now offers.

Instagram Lite

It seems as if all the most popular mobile apps go through a phase when they try to pile on all sorts of features. That’s exactly where the market for Lite versions comes in; providing us with reduced versions of all sorts of apps like Facebook Messenger Lite and Gmail Go. But this problem is just a small reason for creating Lite versions of apps. The main reason is the fact that these apps intend to expand to appeal to emerging markets where many Android users have less powerful phones and weaker internet connections.

These are important reasons that have led Instagram to create their own Lite app. It’s an app that looks surprisingly like older versions of the social network and opens quickly. Although the performance of the traditional Instagram app is fantastic, Instagram Lite runs even better. This isn’t too hard though, considering that the app offers some pretty limited features. There’s no trace of effects for traditional posts, camera effects, direct messages, or live broadcasts. Luckily, you can still post Stories, and add text to them, but just forget about all the additional bling (GIFs, stickers, and special fonts) which is basically what’s made them so popular.

Instagram Lite

The Explore tab is also taken down a few notches, showing you simply blocks of images related to what you typically search for or the type of posts you tend to make. It could seem like our tone is somewhat negative toward Instagram Lite, but that’s not our intention. We just want to clarify the feature the app offers so that no one is disappointed. In reality, we can’t expect the same things from an app that’s only 573 KB as one that’s 32 MB. 

Instagram Lite

Instagram Lite is a natural move for one of the most popular social networks to continue expanding its user base. It may not be as complete as the original app, but it’s perfect for users who live in areas where the internet connection is iffy, and for those who don’t have the latest smartphone models on the market.

Instagram Lite for Android on Uptodown [APK] | Download