Tutorials and Guides

Contrary to the old saying, no one was born ready, so we aim to provide step-by-step tutorials on doing specific tasks on your PC or smartphone. Whether you need to learn in-depth how to use your operating system or take full advantage of the capabilities of the programs you use, we offer user guides for both day-to-day and professional activities.

How to get free coins in Empire: Four Kingdoms

Empire: Four Kingdoms allows you to get free gold pieces and rubies by following these tips.

How to get free coins and crystals in Mighty DOOM

Do you want to get free coins and crystals in Mighty DOOM? We'll tell you how.

How to get free credits and crystals in Star Wars: Galaxy...

Don't get stuck in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes - find out how to earn credits and crystals for free.

When is the next Warzone Mobile beta in 2023?

Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile will be free to try in 2023. We'll tell you when and where the next open betas will take place.

Where does Mortal Kombat: Onslaught fit on the MK timeline?

The new Mortal Kombat for phones will be a reboot of the story. We'll tell you exactly where Mortal Kombat: Onslaught fits within the MK timeline.

Minimum requirements to play Mortal Kombat: Onslaught on smartphones

Mortal Kombat: Onslaught is coming to phones in 2023 and these are its minimum requirements

Undawn: release date, requirements and more

Undawn is an ambitious mobile post-apocalyptic multiplayer game that has become one of the most awaited titles. Here's everything you need to know.

How to get free credits in Critical Ops

Here’s how to get free credits in this popular mobile shooter.

How to play Mech Arena—is it worth it?

Here’s how to enjoy Mech Arena, one of the hottest titles on the mobile market today.

Requirements and everything you need to play Critical Ops

Counter-Strike has an heir for Android and we're here to tell you everything you need to know about it


