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Fans of Mario Kart can find similar games on Android, and today we recommend the best ones available.
We've selected the ten best racing games on Android. The list features many great titles that you can enjoy for free this 2022.
Many games that are successful in Asia eventually make their way west, while others seem to get lost somewhere along the way.
Many Android videogames never end up making it out of their country of origen. But luckily, we can still play them with no geographic limitation via APK.
We've put together a list of the best idle clickers you'll find on Android. And to top it all off, they're all available for free.
The newest Dragon Ball title for mobile devices will be the first videogame to use Google Cloud Spanner technology, making it possible to play global online combats in real time.
Tencent has recently presented not one, but two official games based on PUBG to be released soon in China.
The Boston terror attacks on Monday's last week that resulted in three dead and 130 wounded were heard round the world through Twitter. The Boston Globe, which up until then had around 50,000 followers, was the first to make the news known on the microblogging social network, and started...
The impact of the release of the new Microsoft products seems to have detracted from the news about the release of other important products from the world of technology and their being placed on the market. For example, the fact that Research In Motion soon will return to the...