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internet explorer 9 - search results

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The social network to see and share images is one of the most visited websites worldwide. Do you want to know why?
The first big update of Windows 8 since its launch is available from today. It t is free for all users who already have Windows 8 and they will market complete update packages for those who are still using older versions from Windows XP onwards. There are many improvements and changes, but is it worth is to make the leap?
Foursquare is a geolocalization social network with which you can share your exact location on the map wherever you are. You can check-in in Tokio, a bar in the corner of the street or the supermarket and share it with all your contacts. Foursquare also has a system of achievements and badges that you can win as you travel.
Evernote is a free tool to tidily store all your links, texts and pictures. It is available for Windows, Mac OS X and smartphones (Android and iOS). We explain its main characteristics and how to use its official browser extension
Adblock Plus is the best-known browser extension to block ads. It is available for Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer and Android. It eliminates all kind of banners and pop-ups thanks to it customizable block options.
Google Chrome turns 5. Its fame has increased since its launch in late 2008 to become the world's most-used browser. We explain why.
The news that the United States has been spying on its citizens through the NSA’s PRISM program has caused a lot of people to really start thinking about the importance of Internet privacy, and they want to take measures to avoid being watched. Although this scandal makes that seem impossible,...
When browsing the net, you may come across content that is blocked in your region, especially on websites that stream content. This can cause increased frustration for those who move to another country and no longer have access to their favorite websites. But, the problem could be less complex:...
This week we learned of some relatively worrisome news: PC sales have decreased dramatically, and it seems as though it is Windows 8’s fault, which users haven’t been very keen on. We understand that its move of radically changing the interface can scare some away, but where is Microsoft’s...
It’s no secret that Windows 8 wasn’t received as expected. After experiencing slower growth in the market than its predecessors, and with there not being many operating systems on the trading floor, Microsoft is looking for new ways to bolster its product line shortly after having unified its services...