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Google offers a new service that lets you both download your full search history and view other interesting data.
DuckDuckGo protects your privacy, offers quality results and makes use of third-party services to display the info you need.
here is a mini-tutorial on how to use ‘Me on the Web’ so you can remove any sort of information or personal data—if that’s possible—from the Google search engine.
Pressure from the culture industry pushed Google into setting up a search filter to try to reduce Internet piracy. BitTorrent and uTorrent has now been removed from Google's blacklist and now they appear as suggested results in the Google search engine autocomplete and Google Instant.
Google and the European Union have a long history of disputes, and it doesn’t seem as though they’re going to end anytime soon. This time, the EU wants to force Google to modify its search results all throughout Europe because it believes that the Internet giant favors its own...
Did you search for something on Google recently? Could you make out any difference in searching? To your surprise, Google has redesigned its entire search pattern. According to the sources, company was working onto this aspect since long and finally all its efforts have bared sweet fruit of success lead...
What is the best Android mobile game of the year? According to Google, Apex Legends Mobile, the free-to-play battle royale.
We've analyzed the features of both Edge and Chrome browsers and tested them using a range of different benchmarks.
/e/ is an open source operating system based on Android AOSP, completely separate from Google, but does make it possible to use Google apps.
Google Gallery GO
Gallery Go is the new alternative to Google Photos, a complete and lightweight gallery that takes up only 10 MB and doesn't require an internet connection.