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Let’s take a closer look at the similarities and differences between them. If you don’t already have an ad blocker installed, here are a few reasons why you should.
Adblock Browser is a fully functional web browser for Android based on Firefox that integrates all the block options by default.
Adblock Plus is the best-known browser extension to block ads. It is available for Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer and Android. It eliminates all kind of banners and pop-ups thanks to it customizable block options.
There are very effective tools to block all ads such as Javelin Browser, Adblock Plus and AirPushDetector
Chrome extensions help you improve your productivity when you are doing any task. It facilitates access to all functions such as taking notes, check our email or avoid dangerous sites. The extensions work within the browser and they will make your life easier.
Advertising is the norm on the Internet, and practically every website you visit is full of annoying banner and pop-up adds that make browsing more difficult by having to close the countless ads that are constantly appearing. However, there are apps that can help you block these annoying ads. The...
Lightweight browsers can help save data, battery, and RAM on less powerful smartphones.
If your Huawei smartphone is no longer able to use Google apps, here are some of the best options available.
A Planet of Mine is the newest and most successful 4X release on Android by French Studio Tuesday Quest. Download here.