The fan phenomenon is celebrating. It’s never been so easy to keep up to date with your idols, your favorite shows, and bands, or the entertainment news. The globalization of showbusiness also allows fans from all over the world to become more international. Apps such as FANDOM service all those fans who want to know and share everything related to their favorite actors or movies.

FANDOM is a benchmark for the fan phenomenon. This tool includes a huge community where you’ll find all kinds of information about games, TV shows and movies. You can probably find information about any popular saga.

What exactly is Fandom?

Fandom is a benchmark web for the fan phenomenon and its huge community. It’s a place where you can create, share or read information about TV shows, movies, games. Think of it as an enormous encyclopedia created by fans for fans. You can open your own page about your favorite game or saga, add information to another member’s ‘wiki’ or participate in groups of users who share your hobbies. Its official Android app puts all this information at your fingertips.

Fandom web

What can you do with Fandom?

As soon as you download the app, the first thing you’ll have to do is log in. You can do so using your FANDOM account, Facebook or Google account. Once you have your username, you can start following your favorite fandoms. Currently, the app’s content is only available in English, so you’ll have to read that language well enough if you want to understand all the information. The rest of the app is available in other languages, including your profile and the settings.


Once you choose the fandoms you want to follow, you’ll see the latest news on your screen: Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, Star Wars or any other TV show or movie that you’ve selected. There are a bunch of different fields, TV, videogames, movies, anime and a lot more where you can find anything from cosplay to cocktails.

Where does the information come from?

Fandom feeds from original content as well as from other sources such as The Verge, Empire, Newsweek, and other social networks. You create a panel where, once you’ve chosen the fandoms you want to follow, you’ll have all their information at the palm of your hand. You can easily read news about an upcoming videogame and the latest news on Instagram or Twitter.


Plus, each fandom includes surveys and topics of conversation where you can interact, or you can create your own topic, either by text, a survey or a picture. The community can then interact with you to talk about the latest news (and you can choose the language).


Since the app is global and it includes a huge amount of users from all over the world, you can choose the language of some of the fandoms. For example, you can interact in English, French, or German in Fortnite. There’s a Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Japanese community for Star Wars. There is also a notification system that’ll notify you when there’s a new publication (so you can be the first one to read it).


The app is really easy to use and it includes two very different parts: a news panel, which stores everything related to the fandoms you follow. There are also the fandoms themselves, where the community creates the content and updates the conversation. A perfect place to meet and discuss your favorite topics and read about the latest news about the new season of your favorite show or the latest updates of your favorite games.

FANDOM for Android available in Uptodown | Download


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