This little matter of free VoIP calls via WhatsApp has been a proper drama in recent weeks. After a progressive roll-out, this feature is now finally available for all Android users who have downloaded the latest version of the app (2.12.5). This will give you a new app interface that lets you navigate through the new calling options.
When you activate it, you’ll have three new tabs up top: your list of chats, the full contacts list for your account, and a new calls section with a log of incoming and outgoing calls made through the app.
To make a call from WhatsApp you’ll need to go to the chat window for the person you want to call, where you’ll see a new icon in the upper part of the screen shaped like a phone. The only requirement, besides having already updated to the latest version, is that the other person has also updated the app on their side. If not, you’ll get a pop-up window that advises you of that fact.
The update seems to be global and no longer requires the prior activation procedure where someone had to call you to enable the feature. But if you update and the new feature doesn’t appear, you can still try that process, after closing the app to make the changes take effect.
eu gosto
Thanks for being a friend with you,
WhatsApp is very important & very useful in life. it Saves the time. very urgent & important messages are also send to each other.
I how was the dy is the most important apps in our lyf..i lv u