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You won't want to miss this selection of apps that will let you easily and legally read all the comics and manga your heart desires.
Why not use Google Photos service as a comic book reader? The results, after a few tests, have been completely brilliant!
ComicRack is a free multiplatform tool to catalogue and read comics on your tablet.
There a comes a time when you don’t have any more space in your house for shelves full of comics, and you run the risk of your hobby kicking you out of the house by your spouse or parents. The utopia of color e-ink devices is still a ways...
From Marvel Snap to Marvel Future Revolution, Marvel has many free mobile games that are highly recommended.
DC Heroes & Villains is coming to smartphones in 2023 with an epic puzzle adventure starring Batman, Harley Quinn, Superman and other DC Comics characters.
The creators of Pokémon GO team up with Marvel to bring the world the next big augmented reality game
Marvel Snap may continue to grow in 2023 and these are the new features we'd like to see added to the game
The open call to participate in the Indie Zone at FreakCon 2022 has just been announced and will take place on March 5 and 6. Uptodown is sponsoring the event and offers its app store as a platform to showcase all participating games.
Don't miss this compilation of the best ebook-reading apps for your Android and enjoy reading anywhere!