SIGMA is a battle royale that’s become a genuine revelation in just a matter of days. Ever since it was published in the app stores, it’s quickly become one of the most played games. This is thanks, in part, to its fast-paced gameplay and its clear use of elements from other huge titles from the genre that have been on top for a while already.

Who knows? It just might end up becoming one of the most-played battle royales in 2023. What we do know for sure is that it’s come out of the gate running, and it’s become a highly-played title in almost no time at all.

In this article, we’re going to tell you what’s so great about this new game and what it’s done to become worthy of a place on the list of the most played games on the mobile market. 

What is SIGMA Battle Royale?

SIGMA is a battle royale in the most basic sense of the word, no more and no less. In this specific title, 50 players go head-to-head until only one is left standing. What really makes it stand out is its Fortnite-style cartoonish graphics, along with its strong influences from the Garena title, Free Fire. The title sacrifices graphic quality in exchange for offering players a viewing distance that not many games from the genre offer. The reason is to make it possible for players to be able to attack enemies at a long distance using sniper weapons.

Without a doubt, one of the best things about the game is that it can be played on any smartphone. It has low technical requirements thanks to its well-optimized graphics for the game’s target audience.

The game uses ideas taken directly from any other title from the genre. You’ll start out in an airplane and decide when you want to jump out of it on a surfboard. The place where you choose to land will be key since you’ll have to fight against all the other players for the loot that’s scattered all around the map. It’s essential to get good equipment, as well as enough weapons and ammunition, in order to successfully take down and outlive the other 49 players.

Sigma Battle Royale: Character dressed in yellow and green in the middle of a yellowish field.

Like all titles of this style, SIGMA aims to enhance and strengthen its player base by offering unlockable skins that are released each season along with new content. This way, players will have a system of leveling up and items to unlock, making the game endless.

One really interesting thing about the game is that it also has other mechanics that are actually far from what you’d find in a typical battle royale. The best example is the fight-out game mode with very interesting 4v4 gameplay.

What other battle royales is it similar to?

There are two specific games that SIGMA Battle Royale has clearly used for inspiration. The first one is Fortnite, which SIGMA imitates in its aesthetics, though with a more cartoon style and pared-down visual effects to adapt to any smartphone. Thus, the effect is really more like playing in a cartoon with its laidback artistic style.

Sigma Battle Royale: Female character crouching on an island.

The other major influence is Free Fire. In fact, it’s possibly an even greater influence than Fortnite, since the casual visuals are joined by a gameplay style that’s clearly borrowed from Garena’s title. This way, the title clearly stands out in both of these aspects and players familiar with other titles won’t take long at all to get the hang of its gameplay style that’s halfway between arcade and hardcore.

Top tips for winning at SIGMA

There are certain tips and tricks that are practically universal in any battle royale. This case is no exception, so here we’ll tell you the best tips to become unrivaled in this title.

Sigma Battle Royale: Promotional picture with three different characters.

  • First of all, choose wisely where to drop with your board. A lot of times, players tend to go to the map areas that offer the best loot. But the best practice is actually to drop in the surrounding areas, where you can collect items without so much trouble.
  • Think twice before revealing your position. In Sigma Battle Royale, you can be seen from really far away, so it’s advisable to keep a low profile and try to hide from your enemies. Don’t shoot until you have no other choice—it’s much smarter to let the enemies kill each other than to make yourself a target.
  • Carefully choose your loadout, that is, the equipment you’re going to go out with. You can carry up to eight items or abilities to help you survive out there. The first ones are pretty useful, but you can use many others later on.
  • Don’t go into the center of the safe area. It’s better to stick close to the edge, to avoid the biggest conflicts and collect loot in the areas where you can find valuable objects.


Translated by Sarah Odebralski