A few months ago Telegram got its first set of stickers, based on famous and influential characters from the 20th century, to test how well it would work to include custom galleries. This feature is now available, meaning you can add full sticker galleries to use in your chats with the added benefit that all of them are completely free and created by users themselves.

At the moment, the only way to add them is to use the mobile version of the client, although after installing them you can use the stickers on any other version, including the one for the desktop. To add them, you’ll need to enter the URL associated with each gallery into your browser, which will then open the app and ask you if you want to install it alongside your other stickers. Here is an example from a new set of animal faces created by the people at Telegram:

telegram stickers 1 Now you can use custom stickers on Telegram

  • Put this URL into your smartphone browser: https://telegram.me/addstickers/Animals
  • A window will appear with a button that says ‘Add stickers’ so you can add the pack to your collection.
  • The application will automatically open and you’ll see a preview of all the images that make up the gallery. Then click the ‘Add stickers’ option again.
  • To see if you’ve done the process correctly, go to the Settings > Stickers menu, where you can view everything you have installed, as well as disable or delete the galleries you no longer want. To use in your chats, you’ll go to the last tab, the one for emojis, on your virtual keyboard.

telegram stickers 2 Now you can use custom stickers on Telegram

You can send your own collections using this bot. A Reddit thread has sprung up compiling the most interesting of the hundreds of galleries that have been created recently. Here are a few:


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