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Houzz is a fantastic decorating and interior design app for Android that offers users all kinds of inspired content.
Dungeon Monsters is a free-to-play game for Android the brings back that game system but gives the concept a facelift to make it much more dynamic.
Last Saturday marked the 20th anniversary of the first Pokemon game. Here are a dozen games to celebrate the anniversary just how Pikachu wants you to.
TOP 10 Android games as well as the three most downloaded games in each genre over the past year.
BeatNiks for iOS and Android aims to take this concept a bit further by making creatures evolve based on the music you listen to on your device.
This infographic show the Android game downloads done on Uptodown during the first half of 2015.
Sticking to a budget, preparing a great meal, or finding the best gifts for Christmas can all be possible with just a swipe on your phone’s screen.
Halloween is right around the corner, and it’s long been a tradition to play horror games at this time of year.
NeoRetro brings back aesthetics and design from classic video games in current projects so anybody can have the opportunity to develop one.
Now you can play any exclusive Android game in Windows or Mac.