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Uptodown App Store tricks
You can do a lot more with our official Android app than what meets the eye. Here are some of the most useful features you'll find when you take a closer look.
Google and Huawei have severed their ties due to a government ban imposed by the president of the United States.
Ransomware is a real threat. Protect your smartphone from viruses and malware by using these simple tricks that only take a few moments of your time.
One of the biggest releases of the year is giving Google the cold shoulder. Epic has announced that Fortnite will not be released via Google Play.
If you're unhappy with Snapchat's new design, you're definitely not alone. Here we explain how to undo the change by installing an older version of the official client.
Driver Booster is a free program that automatically detects and installs updates to your computer’s drivers.
The newest official app from our independent marketplace lets you install and update Android apps from Uptodown.
Un estudio científico ha demostrado que el patrón de desbloqueo de Android es muy sencillo de adivinar, algo que ayudamos a prevenir con alternativas.
Unknown Sources Here on Uptodown we distribute Android apps packaged as APKs. This format, an offspring of the JAR format used by Java, is a standard that includes all files needed to install an app from any device. By default the Android operating system comes with the option to allow...