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The social network known for enabling users to apply filters to their photos, Instagram, has updated its terms of use. This change of direction is an important one, and the first that it has made since it was purchased for $1 billion by Facebook. Essentially, Instagram reserves the right...
Just days ago, Google Maps returned to the AppStore as a third-party application after having been substituted on iOS 6 by the less-than-precise native app by Apple. Apple’s move to use their own maps application caused quite the uproar of complaints among its users. And Google Maps wasn’t the...
Current Android devices are manufactured with many configuration options that big companies such as Samsung, HTC, and Sony play with to customize your phone’s operating system so that the brand has a presence in the final product. Many of these changes are in the user interface and the applications....
Although it may seem easy to an advanced user, the process of installing a custom ROM on your Android device can turn out to be a headache if you don’t know exactly what steps to take. In this article we will explain the steps you need to take regardless...
A few days ago the rumor was confirmed that a web version of Spotify was being developed. After The Verge confirmed that some users could already access it through a security hole, what we couldn’t believe was that any user can take a look at it by simply clicking...
Finally Windows 8 is here, and with Microsoft’s new operating system on the market, many program updates are being released. In this case we are going to talk about the new version of TeamViewer, the well-known program for remotely accessing and managing computers that just released an update for...
Facebook has given us new reasons to change our profile thanks to that new Facebook Cover Timelime. They have changed the look of your profile and the way the information is displayed, but best of all is that large image you can customize to make your profile to be...
At the “Let’s Talk iPhone” event, Apple may have revealed an iPhone 4S physically similar to the iPhone 4, but which represents a major leap forward in smartphone performance. This will be most noticeable in gaming, the most used of smartphone apps. The iPhone 4S is powered by the A5...