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Learn how to use one of the easiest and most complete video editors for mobile devices on the market.
We teach you how to activate the night or dark mode for a bunch of Android apps that you probably use on the daily.
The new web design tool of Google to create animations in HTML5 will try to introduce a "universal language for content creation". Its philosophy is to develop a single web element and eliminate device compatibility problems thanks to the aforementioned standard language
Here are some of the best apps to help children of all ages and levels learn math using a smartphone or tablet.
Breaking Bad: Criminal Elements is a strategy based game that introduces you to the universe created by Vince Gilligan.
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom se ha remodelado completamente en su nueva versión para Android y os damos unos cuántos consejos para sacarle el partido.
Word Lens Translator is a free app for iOS and Android that lets you translate texts using your smartphone's camera.