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Google Chrome for Android lets you activate the browser's dark mode in just a few simple steps.
Let’s take a closer look at the similarities and differences between them. If you don’t already have an ad blocker installed, here are a few reasons why you should.
Lynket is the new name of the original browser Chromer, which has been updated with tons of new features and a beautiful Material Design look.
Google Chrome is now in its 57th version featuring a few changes that standout among the rest. This time multiple open tabs use up fewer of your resources.
Google Chrome devours system resources and RAM, although there are a few methods to minimize it.
Checker Plus lets you manage and receive notifications from your Gmail without even having to open your inbox.
the new Chrome update modifies the browser’s opening tab when you start a session with your Google account.
Chrome extensions help you improve your productivity when you are doing any task. It facilitates access to all functions such as taking notes, check our email or avoid dangerous sites. The extensions work within the browser and they will make your life easier.
Adblock Plus is the best-known browser extension to block ads. It is available for Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer and Android. It eliminates all kind of banners and pop-ups thanks to it customizable block options.
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