In March 2013 Google released the first public version of Google Keep, its own quick note-taking program that over the past few years has matured, adding new features without abandoning the simplicity the makes it so brilliant compared to more elaborate tools like Evernote. Recently Google has launched a new update that adds important functionalities like integrated hashtags in the entries and the option to save content directly from your browser from either the app itself or your desktop thanks to a new Chrome extension.


The new update for the Android app (v3.3.157) lets you associate one or more tags with the things you keep, letting you catalog them however you like by adding a hash with your chosen tag term (although you can also enable the old system with the tag menu). What’s really interesting about the new system is that you can catalog notes “on the go” when exporting content from your browser.

With regard to the Chrome extension, what’s been added is a new option in your browser context menu that lets you export any content directly to your notes, which are also accessible (as they have been up this point) from the web version of the program. All these features come on top of the ones added in recent months such as the option to share lists with your contacts or add freehand drawings to your notes.


More information | Official Google Keep Blog