The FOX Broadcasting lineup boasts some of the most iconic adult animated series of the past decade. Besides The Simpsons (itself an international archetype in the genre), FOX has distributed shows like Futurama, Family Guy, American Dad, Bob’s Burgers, and King of the Hill. And it’s precisely the characters from those five shows who star in the new Animation Throwdown: The Quest for Cards, a trading card game for Android that pits the famous faces from each series against each other. Now, following its soft launch in a smattering of country, you can download the game in APK format here on Uptodown.

Animation Throwdown screenshot

The game system is the same one seen in 1,001 other titles just like it, both digital and otherwise: 1-on-1 duels using decks put together by the sweat of your own brow. The aim is to best your rival by beating the cards she lays down and leveraging the special abilities of each card to do combo attacks. As you make it through rounds you get objects and game currency to use on new cards – and then you do it all over again.

Besides the story mode, initially composed of 25 episodes, you can compete against other people in the Arena mode, although this part will be a bit lame until the game comes out internationally. Likewise, like in any freemium game worth its salt, it doesn’t leave out the optional in-game store, where you can buy items for your game with real money.

Amination Throwdown: TQFC is a fun Android TCG with a lot of potential (should Homer & Co. get thrown into the equation, for example). Download and install it now with no regional restrictions of any kind via its APK file on Uptodown.


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