Not too long ago, the endless tangle of stories and characters that make up the Marvel Universe were exclusively for the enjoyment of comic book readers. After several failed attempts, in 2008 Marvel Studios managed to extend its empire to the world of cinema. Now, after 21 movies and more than a decade of the MCU backing them up, The Avengers’ circle comes to an end. Therefore, we thought it was only appropriate to bring you a list of the best Android games out there. Excelsior!
Since Disney bought out Marvel Studios in 2009, there have been several marketing moves and third-party agreements when it comes to the licenses. The gaming world has also had its fair share of changes. A good example is the games with only a temporary distribution license that inevitably have to shut-down after their validity period ends. Incredible games such as Gameloft’s Spiderman-Unlimited or the Avengers Saga: Ultimate Alliance are no longer with us. Nevertheless, and perhaps for the filter that’s been happening lately, the games currently available are all incredible successes that renew themselves based on the films that Marvel Studios produces.
Marvel Contest of Champions
In the Marvel Universe (hereinafter MU), Contest of Champions, known around these parts as the “Battle of Superheroes”, was a 1982 limited-edition series that brought together the most iconic Marvel heroes for the first time, with the sole premise of seeing how they all bounced off each other. With that in mind, this Android game was born, in line with the Distinguished Competition’s premise in Injustice: Gods Among Us, as a 3D fighting game with a simple touch control system. [Download]

The game brings together characters from several collections: some of The Avengers’ main members, mutants, Guardians of the Galaxy, and minor characters from Spider Man, as well as rather more obscure names – but still enjoyable for genre superfans – such as Iron Fist, Massacre, and Black Bolt of the Inhumans. Of course, everything aligns to the cinema world’s rules.
MARVEL Future Fight
A Beat’em Up starring Marvel characters can be expanded indefinitely given the number of characters available. That’s exactly what’s happening with Future Fight. Since it was released in 2015, an incredible sum of 180 characters has been added to their unlockable crew. The premise uses one of the most popular stories when it comes to forming alliances between heroes from different timelines: a multi-universe collapse. This time, you can create basically any three-character team, including the MCU, which is, in fact, the baseline of the entire aesthetic formula. [Download]

Marvel Strike Force
This list won’t lack any of the main subgenres in the MMO field. The premise of Strike Force is based on completing turn-based combats where you get to create teams of up to five characters. You must also be wise when using their skills in order to successfully complete the challenges in front of you. We’re talking about daily missions, special events and other usual tasks that’ll help you unlock characters and level them up. [Download]

Marvel Battle Lines
Collectible cards have always mixed well with the world of heroes in tights. Battle Lines is certainly atypical game because it’s not yet another Hearthstone/MTG clone. Here’s why: the battles take place on a 3×4 gridlock where you’ll have to place your cards in a specific way in order to activate the effects you think can help you destroy your rival. Create decks, more than 300 cards and player against player. Be careful, because you could easily be thrown off the game if you let your guard down. [Download]

Marvel Puzzle Quest
We don’t really know whether we should recommend this game given the number of hours it’s sucked down the drain for some of us here at Uptodown. The Puzzle Quest gameplay is now more than worn out: puzzles with actions that produce different effects depending on the color of the pieces that explode when you match them up. But add to this an enormous roster of characters, a fine-tuned game system with several modes that reward your progress and the fact that new missions are added every day, and we’re looking at a brilliant game that – we repeat – could seriously endanger your time management. [Download]