What are Survivor.io’s best weapons? Habby’s addictive free game requires a lot of technique and attention if we want to survive as long as possible. Still, it is also important to know the most powerful tools and why they will be useful against zombies and other final bosses. Therefore, below is a list of the 7 best weapons available today.
What is Survivor.io?
Survivor.io is a two-dimensional action and survival game in which we control a character that automatically attacks the hordes of zombies that try to hunt him down. We aim to move the protagonist while shooting all kinds of attacks that can be upgraded with new weapons and abilities. It has several game modes, challenges with special rewards, a customization menu, and multiple levels and settings.
The 7 best weapons of Survivor.io
Baseball bat 
The baseball bat is one of the most basic weapons in Survivor.io. Still, we should not reject it because it is one of the best tools we can use against the hordes of zombies: not only its melee damage is quite good —with a base attack of more than 50 if we manage to improve it—but also because its special abilities will allow us to inflict damage by bleeding, circular attacks and pushes to the enemies.
Another of the best weapons in Survivor.io is the katana, which allows you to fight with wide sword thrusts in a frontal direction. It also has a very good base attack —similar to the baseball bat—although what really makes it one of the best weapons is that if we manage to level it up to Legendary, we will get a bonus that heals us 3% of the life bar when we hit enemies.
For many, the revolver in Survivor.io is a minor weapon that should not be considered, but the truth is that this gun works very well if we manage to improve it. Its special abilities will allow us to reload quickly —to play faster—recover bullets when we kill an enemy, or, best of all, create an explosion when we hit a zombie —this is unlocked at Legendary level—.
The kunai is one of the best weapons in the game because we can increase its power up to a base attack of more than 200 points at the Legendary level. It is indeed the default weapon, which makes many people discard it. Still, if we know how to manage it well, it can become our favorite tool to kill zombies— mainly because it has auto-aim, so projectiles will go directly to the enemies.
This weapon may not have the highest base damage in the game, but the firing area will be really useful against hordes of zombies— it shoots in a cone shape, ideal for getting rid of several enemies. In addition, if we improve it, we will not only multiply its damage capacity but also get the bullets to go through the zombies, becoming one of the best weapons of Survivor.io.
This kind of laser sword is one of the favorite weapons of the Survivor.io community of players because its effects are very spectacular. However, it doesn’t cause as much damage as others —it has a base attack of 198 in Epic, for example—. However, its special powers are quite good— in the Legendary level, it leaves a very useful trail that damages enemies every 10 attacks. It’s a pretty fast weapon if we upgrade it, and its range of action is very fun and useful.
Void power 
This is undoubtedly the most powerful weapon in Survivor.io, allowing us to shoot black holes that swallow enemies. It is always advisable to unlock it as soon as possible because of the usefulness of its base ability. However, if we improve it, it is even better— at the Excellent level, it launches black holes that explode before disappearing, and at Legendary, it creates even more chaos if possible. If you want to find the best Survivor.io weapon, this is probably it.